What are the advantages of the Global Autism Accreditation?
Global Autism Accreditation shows that your organization is a center of excellence in the provision of services for individuals with autism. It demonstrates that your center engages in best practices in its financial, clinical, and operational management. 

The application process itself also allows you to evaluate your center and identify areas of strength as well as those in need of improvement.
What if we do not have some of the requested documentation?
Complete each part of the application to the best of your ability. If some requested documentation is not available, you will have the opportunity to let us know.
Will I meet my auditor?
Yes, you will receive contact information for your auditor and you may contact them with questions at any point in the application process.  Your auditor will also meet the primary contact as well as employees at your organization for an interview during Part 3 of the application process.
Will my organization’s documentation be kept confidential?
Yes.  The link shared by your auditor will allow you to share information with a cloud-based file management system. This system stores your documentation in a manner that is compliant with privacy laws, including HIPAA and GDPR. 
What if clients do not consent to share their information?
Client information should only be viewed with consent. We will need a minimum of 3 clients' documentation to complete the audit.  If your organization has an insufficient number of clients, this will impact your readiness for accreditation.
What are the criteria for accreditation?
You will complete the Global Autism Accreditation Checklist in partnership with your auditor during Parts 2 and 3. If you achieve a score of 80% or higher you will meet the criteria for accreditation.
What happens if our center fails to meet the criteria for accreditation?
All applicants who complete the audit and interview process will receive a report that identifies areas of strength as well as areas in need of improvement. You will have an opportunity to review your report and develop a plan for improvement with your auditor if you choose to.

If you receive a score of 50-80% we encourage you to use the review process to address those areas which need improvement. For more information about our coursework, click here.

If you receive a score below 50% you will review the report with your auditor and identify areas in need of improvement. You may also receive a report identifying resources for coursework to improve financial, operational, and/or clinical practices.  

If you meet the criteria on the Initial Application (Part 1) but achieve a score below 80%, you may also apply for a partnership with the Global Autism Project to help . To find out more about international partnerships, click here.

If you do not meet the criteria on the Initial Application, or if you achieve a score below 50%, you will be given a brief report identifying resources to achieve the required score.

I can’t afford the application fee. Do you offer scholarships?
We understand that finances may be a concern for some centers. We never want money to be the reason children around the world don’t have access to quality services. If you are experiencing financial hardship at this time, please reach out to our team to inquire about limited grants and scholarships that may be able to cover parts  for your center. 
Is accreditation only for applied behavior analysis centers?
No.  Any centers that serve the autistic population, including speech therapy centers or schools, will be considered for accreditation. However, practices should be based on current evidence.
Do we need to take coursework at the Global Autism Project Institute or become a partner to become accredited?
No. Any other support, resources, applicable coursework, or certification is acceptable for meeting the requirements of accreditation. Coursework and other support are offered as an option.
How long is accreditation good for?
Your Global Autism Accreditation lasts for 2 years.  At the point of your renewal, a desk audit will be completed to renew your accreditation status.
Can accreditation be revoked?
Yes.  If we receive information that your records have been falsified or that clinical practices have not met standards, we will inform you of a potential investigation. An investigation may include:

  • Documentation review
  • Staff interviews
  • Client interviews

Revocation of accreditation will mean that you are ineligible to reapply for 2 years.
How does the Global Autism Project support professionals, children, and families around the world?
The Global Autism Project partners with existing centers and organizations around the world to support local capacity in providing services. To find out more about our international programs or about becoming a partner, click here.